Easy Language media

All people have the right to be aware of domestic and global news topics and discussion around timely issues. Easy Language news are key to participation and equality.

Selkosanomat and Lätta bladet

The Easy Language current affairs newspapers, the Finnish-language Selkosanomat and its Swedish-language affiliate Lätta bladet, report on domestic and international affairs, sports, entertainment, culture and daily life topics to all readers who need Easy Language. A printed version of Selkosanomat and Lätta bladet is published eight times per year. In the online paper, articles are published every week.

Yle Uutiset selkosuomeksi and Yle Nyheter på lätt svenska

Yle Uutiset Selkosuomeksi (Yle news in Easy Finnish) offer news in Finnish on TV, online and on the radio. The news services are targeted primarily at persons studying Finnish as a second or foreign language.

Yle also has a news service in Easy Swedish which is available in Yle Areena and on Yle Vega.


The Leija magazine is targeted at readers with intellectual disabilities. The magazine comes out six times a year. Leija contains news, entertainment and writings and pictures by its readers.
