Easy Finnish on the web

The general principles of Easy Finnish text contents apply very well also to web environments. In fact, many of the general principles for writing for the web concur with the principles of Easy Finnish.

But when it comes to layout and graphic principles, the case is different. In printed media, the layout for Easy Finnish publications is rather clearly defined, but this cannot be done for web publications. The forced line breaks typical of printed Easy Language text is not recommended for web contents because the end result may, due to the different sizes of screens, turn out entirely different from the original idea.

From the perspective of users of Easy Finnish, the most essential aspect in the structure of web services is perhaps the amount of information. The amount of information often grows quite large since the pages usually contain, in addition to the actual contents, also different navigation structures, supplementary information connected to the content as well as other elements and links. Many of the groups who use easy language find the extra information confusing and the abundance of information disturbs the process of using the website.

In Easy Finnish web texts, clear and usable navigation structures, headings and search functions are prerequisites similar to the guidelines given for the layout of printed text in Easy Finnish publications.

Easy Finnish websites may apply for a SELKO symbol. We grant the symbol together with the Papunet Web Service (usability). The symbol is not granted for English language publications.

Accessibility requirements must also be taken into account on Easy Language websites. Read more about the accessibility of web services on the Papunet accessibility pages (in Finnish).
